World's Strongest Operator Event Recap 2021

World's Strongest Operator Event Recap 2021

Down Range Strength is proud to put together the first annual Dylan Elchin’s World’s Strongest Operator. On November 27, 2018 SSgt Dylan Elchin was killed in action in Afghanistan. The loss of Dylan affected many and always will as he was a loved son, grandson, teammate, and brother. Dylan left a lasting impression on everyone, we wanted to commemorate Dylan the only way we know how, through strength.

Through collaboration with Dylan’s team and friends we decided to put on the biggest strength event ever done in the military community to honor Elchin properly. A competition dedicated to honoring Dylan Elchin to find who the strongest man in the military is!

World’s Strongest Operator was held November 11, 2021. WSO had 26 competitors divided into a heavyweight, middleweight, and lightweight division.


The Events

“Deadlift for Dylan” a rising bar event where the weight of the trap bar deadlift was raised until there was a last man standing. In this event there were 9 lifts completed over 700 pounds, with a finally weight of 790 pounds completed. Truly and genuinely electric to be present for. 

790lb Deadlift


Yoke to Wheelbarrow medley, a true operator strength and endurance test where an 80-yard sprint medley was completed with weights totaling over 500 pounds on the yoke and 720 pounds on the wheelbarrow. 




Sandbag over bar for maximum reps, two competitors at a time faced head to head to hoist sandbags over a 56” yoke height for maximum reps in 60 seconds. Up to 200 pounds in the sandbag for a test of grip, strength, and endurance. 

Bag over Bar


Humvee push for maximum distance over time, the truest test of endurance where each operator pushed an up-armored Humvee as far as they can for 60 seconds.

Humvee Push


MAX CLIMBING WHEELBARROW HOLD FOR TIME, there was an absolute dog fight in the heavyweight class where there was a 3-way tie after the main events. To decide the overall winner a test of grip, core, and upper back strength was performed among the top 3. The wheelbarrow climbed to a weight of 720 pounds where it was held until failure by all 3 competitors. The winning time was 78 seconds to name the WORLD’S STRONGEST OPERATOR!

Wheelbarrow Hold




Through this event we had more support than we had ever imagined. Companies and individuals we loved and already supported grew even more in our hearts and eyes as they gave generously with nothing promised to them in return.


Josh Bryant, Kevin Yoxall, and Dan Clemons came to support as guest judges.

Josh Bryant, a household name in the powerlifting community, bestselling author, coach to the strongest powerlifters in the world, former America’s Strongest Man, and youngest to bench press 600 lbs raw in competition at 22 years old.

Kevin Yoxall, legendary hall of fame strength and conditioning coach, with 30+ years ruling the whistle at Auburn, UCLA, Minnesota, Rice, TCU, just to name a few of his coaching stops. “Yox” has won BCS national championships, coached Heisman winners, and was also an All-American powerlifter at East Texas State University.

Dan Clemons, comes as one of the most respected tactical strength and conditioning coaches in the world. Dan not only builds monster operators but prior to his experience working with SOF he was a combine specialist where he coached over 20 first round draft picks.

These world class strength and conditioning coaches came and generously judged one hell of a competition, we can’t thank them enough for their time and efforts in supporting the first WSO.


Along with experienced judges no competition is complete without an amazing spotting and loading crew. I have never seen anything like the efforts of our pit crew that came to support WSO. A huge thank you to them for making the day run flawless and most importantly safe for the competitors. 



We wanted to thank the competitors properly and reward them for their victories so we would like to thank the following companies for their generous contributions to the winners and competitors. It pays to win and winners took home Dynamic Fitness and Strength squat racks and barbells, Samson Equipment barbells and bumper plates, and much more.


Samson Equipment
Dynamic Fitness and Strength
Jailhouse Strong
Intek Strength
Kabuki Strength
Shaw Strength
Cerberus Strength
Spud Inc
Better Bodies
Keurig Dr Pepper
Pioneer General Leather


We look forward to all the Dylan Elchin’s World’s Strongest Operators to come, thank you all for your support. Announcements for next year’s WSO event and location to come as they develop! 


- Down Range Strength SFW


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